Ontario Paralegal Exam Index

Your Success Is Our Success.

The length of the paralegal exam material can seem daunting. To assist you on the exam day, we have prepared an index of the 2024/2025 paralegal exam material. The index can be very useful in finding the correct answers on the day of the exam in a timely manner.

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Detailed Index

  • Downloadable in Word format for easy updates.

  • Drafted for 2024/2025 Paralegal Exam Material.

  • Drafted and reviewed by lawyers and paralegals.

Professionally Crafted

Our Ontario Paralegal Exam Index is drafted and reviewed by currently practicing lawyers and paralegals.
  • You can use the index to quickly and easily find the appropriate page in the paralegal exam material to answer questions on the day of the exam.
  • Our index is provided in .docx format so that you can easily update it to suit your needs.
  • We recommend becoming familiar with your index prior to the day of the exam by using the index when doing practice questions in preparation for the exam.


The index is solely intended to assist test takers in navigating through the licensing material. Paralegal Pathway Ontario does not, expressly or implicitly, represent, warrant, guarantee, or promise the accuracy of the index available on this website. Paralegal Pathway Ontario will not be held liable for any inaccuracies in the index available on this website. Please see our disclaimers under the terms and conditions section of our website before purchasing the index.


Updated for the 2024/2025 Paralegal Licensing Material

Practice Questions & Index

Updated for the 2024/2025 Paralegal Licensing Material

The Best Place To Prepare For The Ontario Paralegal Licensing Exam

We provide 249 practice questions categorized as follows: Professional Responsibility, Civil Litigation, Criminal & Quasi-Criminal, Jurisdiction & Fundamental and Administrative Law. In addition, we provide a ~80 page index for the Paralegal Licensing Examination.

Questions? Concerns?

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